Saturday, January 15, 2011

Long Armed Cross Stitch for Needlepoint

We often forget about certain stitches that we have used in the past and tend to rely on a few basics that are in the forefront of our busy minds.  While in a class taught by Joan Lohr and Ruth Diltz at the TNNA market,  we used the Long Armed Cross over 1 on a single horizontal line.  It was stitched with Treasure Ribbon and made a beautiful braid.  I will use this again and put it in my "go to" stitches.  The stitch produced a beautiful effect on an ornament.  Other ribbons besides Treasure Ribbon can be used to provide the same effect, some to consider are River Silk 4mm silk ribbon, Neon Rays, Neon Rays+,  YLI Ribbon floss and you could even use Kreinik ribbons.  Good luck using this stitch horizontally or vertically and if you need to see it you can look it up in any of your stitch books.

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